Siri Austin Entertainment

Iris Bolling

Let me tell you a little about me. I am an author, publisher, filmmaker, entrepreneur. What you know as Siri Austin Entertainment was once Siri Austin Enterprises.  My first 3 series were published under that name. In 2015 I began doing films and changed the name to Siri Austin Entertainment. I was named Conversations Magazine Top 25 Women to Watch 2 years in a row. I’ve been mentioned in NBC News, USA Today, Style Weekly Magazine and others. To date I’ve written 7 series, 30 plus novels, 13 scripts, directed 3 films and produced 13. I’ve won several awards from author of the year, to book of the year. In addition to the experience I bring to the table, I am also a certified adult trainer with a little over 10 years experience. That is what makes me an expert in the area of Self-publishing. And now I am here to share that knowledge with you.


Iris Bolling will share her experiences and knowledge about self-publishing, manuscript development, genre determination, book cover design and copyright.

At the conclusion of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Protecting Your Work
  • Designing Your Work
  • Understanding Where You Fit In
  • Distributing Your Work 
  • Selling Your Work 

Book2Script (Coming 2021)

This course is to provide you with information on how to transform your stories from the pages of the your novel to a script.

At the conclusion of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Identifying Parts of a Script
  • Setting the Scenes
  • Describing Your Characters
  • Organizing Your Departments
  • Establishing Production Notes 


  • Writing the Script 

Book2Flim (Coming 2021)

This course is designed with the independent film maker in mind. Our goal is to provide you with information to transform your script to the screen.

At the conclusion of this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Pre-Production
  • Production
  • Post-Production
  • Final Product
  • Financing
  • Distribution 

Monetizing (Coming 2021)

This course  is to provide you with information and skills to set up your website to sell your books and other merchandise directly to your readers.
At the conclusion of this workshop, participants will be able to:
  • Entrepreneur Mindset
  • Branding Your Site
  • Uploading Products
  • Security & Pay Agents
  • Distributing Your Product
  • Customer Service 



This service is designed for independent authors who need a script written based on their novel. 

Production Consulting

This service is designed for independent authors who need a person to consult with during the production of their film. 


This service is designed for independent authors seeking producing and directorial services. 

Why Me?

2020 Believe Logo
"I believe anyone who is an independent author has already taken the first step to GIY. You did not wait for one of the big five publishers to give you the green light. You decided to self-publish because you believed in YOU. That is what this series of workshops are all about...helping others to GET IT YOURSELF."
Iris Bolling